Last week I had by chance come across the movie, St. Peter, with Omar Sharif on EWTN. Even if I do think he was too old to play Peter in his younger years with Jesus Christ, he did convey an emotional reality that exposed the pains and heartache that he must have gone through. At the end of the movie Peter is being crucified, even though I knew the story it had quite a new impact. He asked to be placed upside down because he was not worthy to be crucified as Jesus was.
Again, I thought Saint Peter, who was so filled with remorse for denying Jesus, then became Jesus' Vicar on earth because of the mercy given to him went to his death to be crucified again like Jesus, Even to death he took his faith and love of Christ.
I look around and see many good people, but is good enough? I don't think St. Peter wasn't crucified so that we as Catholics can just be good. An atheist could be good. I look around and see faithful people, faithful to the teachings of the magisterium which all flowed from the teachings of Jesus, yes that is enough... to follow His church and His word and put it into our lives with action and witness. That is what Peter was crucified for. A witness to our faith.
Would we give our lives? The time may come when we will have to make that decision as it is happening in other countries with the persecution of Christians. It is beginning here also.
We are everyday in a way by constantly being the light for the world and being made to feel we are bigoted or prejudice which is only the first step.
We need to trust in Jesus, PRAY and realize we need to evangelize the beauty of the teachings of Our Holy Mother Church, let's go save some souls! St. Peter, pray for us!
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