These words from John the Baptist according to the "Gospel of John." How beautiful the imagery. In the time of John the Baptist whenever the kings of countries traveled, workers would go out ahead and straighten the road first so His journey would be comfortable and he would arrive the quickest way possible without any hindrance. John the Baptist was the engineer of the roads. He would preach each day on how we have to repent to prepare our road to salvation. "Make a straight path for the Lord to travel."the straight path could mean our spiritual path, our faith life? It would make sense...How could the Lord travel along with us on a path of sin, He could watch, but he couldn't travel because we left him, but if our souls are made straight,( as was St. Paul's on the street called Straight) toward His will then that path He could walk along side with us as at Emmaus.
John the Baptist, one of only three nativity's celebrated in our church. The forbearer of the straight path bringing us into The New Testament,( Prophet Elijah from the Old Testament), introducing us to The Lamb of God, The King of Kings....looking for our straight paths so we can follow him...
as He said............ "Come, follow me...."
Saint John The Baptist, Martyr, his blood the seed of evangelists of our faith. Pray for Us!
How beautifully written. It is so interesting to me to note that St. Paul's heart was made "straight" on the road named "Straight." Your thoughts remind me of a quote from Isaiah 57:14 "Remove the stumbling blocks from My people" Keep writing and sharing the wisdom our Lord gives you.